Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy (Dr.T)
Leadership Stage Executive QREM Coaching
We provide leaders with executive level coaching as they "transition" to a new role outside or improve their position inside their current organization. Exceptional people know and demand personalized Leadership Stage Executive QREM Coaching programs focused on their very unique needs. Executive Transitioning is about top level coaching that is "in touch" with career intelligence and founded in 15 years or more of business depth, C-level positions and advanced professional education.Has mentored/Coached 1,01,318 individual leaders as they work to transform themselves to meet the challenge of bigger, more complex jobs. Our focus is only about getting real results and going beyond traditional outplacement or rote coaching. Our Forward Thinking approach is the way to be competitive, to lead and to achieve individual aspirations.
We provide leaders with executive level coaching as they "transition" to a new role outside or improve their position inside their current organization. Exceptional people know and demand personalized Leadership Stage Executive QREM Coaching programs focused on their very unique needs. Executive Transitioning is about top level coaching that is "in touch" with career intelligence and founded in 15 years or more of business depth, C-level positions and advanced professional education.Has mentored/Coached 1,01,318 individual leaders as they work to transform themselves to meet the challenge of bigger, more complex jobs. Our focus is only about getting real results and going beyond traditional outplacement or rote coaching. Our Forward Thinking approach is the way to be competitive, to lead and to achieve individual aspirations.
For over 15+ years, Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy (Dr.T) has mentored 1,01,318 individual leaders as they work to transform themselves to meet the challenge of bigger, more complex jobs. Drawing on his unique portfolio of experience and expertise-Maestro of Mime/Theatre,Street play artist,Actor,Speaker, Coach,Corporate Mime Theatre trainer, Mime-Theatre Therapist,Mime-Theatre R&D Specialist,Leadership Stage Mime Nonverbal Communication Master, Story Teller, Corporate Management Coach, Writer, Story teller, Children Specialist,Special children trainer, choreographer, teacher, director, producer, Executive Coach,Entrepreneur,Motivational Speaker,Career/Life Coach,Business/ Financial/Legal Consultant,Leadership Stage Coach, and author of scripts. He is the Director and founder of Leadership Stage -KalaAnantarupah Group-Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy (Dr.T) helps leaders give full expression to their individual talent while building the strong network of relationships necessary to make great things happen.
Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy (Dr.T),B.Tech,MBA,MBL, PGDHRL, PGDCRL, PGDIPRL, PH.D,SAP, PMP,IJCTC, CPRW, CPCC,CEIP,Certified Master Coach
An Industrial/Organizational Psychologist by training and practice, Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy (Dr.T) is relentless in diving into new areas of study that feed and grow his understanding human nature in general and leadership in particular. His doctorate study and training in family systems theory and therapy offers clients deep, often unconventional insight into the dynamics of their organizations and relationship systems. Becoming increasingly aware of the role of the body-mind connection in high-pressure leadership situations, he has turned his attention to studies in arts based leadership.
· 1st Research Holder in Mime-Theatre field.
· India’s 1st Research Holder in Quantitative Research, Evaluation & Measurement in Education Policy and Leadership
· Innovator of New Concept of Emotionally Expressive Leadership Stage Training/Workshops for Job Seekers, Doctors, Middle,Sr Management Professionals, parents, kids, HR- Legal- IT Professionals, etc.
· Innovator of New Creative Media Concept "Leadership Stage” (Education to Dream Employment) System
· Awards ~ Life Time Achiever Award ~ Certification of Excellence Award ~ Best Innovation Awards ~ Fastest Growing Company ~ Best Concepts Award
· Trained : (Workshops/Classes)- 1,01,318 Peoples
Leadership Stage Executive QREM Coaching Philosophy
Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy (Dr.T) has a fundamental respect for executive leaders and the demands they face. In designing and conducting a Leadership Stage Executive QREM Coaching engagement, he focuses on cultivating “4 active ingredients” and “BRIDGE Plan” that predict success in coaching:
Readiness: The executive must be willing and able to do the hard work of personal change. His or her organization must also be ready to reinforce and support change. Without a clear sense of readiness in the executive and the organization, coaching is unlikely to be effective and a waste of time and money.
Relationship: Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy (Dr.T) works hard to build a strong working alliance with the executive right from the start. This is defined as ongoing agreement on goals and tasks, as well as positive and respectful rapport on both sides of the relationship.
Positive Expectation: Hope and optimism are key factors in behavior change. Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy (Dr.T) has a talent for seeing the strengths in executives and leveraging those strengths into confidence that current development challenges can be mastered.
Resonance: Executives have strong, reasonable theories of what’s working, what’s not, and why. Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy (Dr.T) helps clients articulate, explore, and understand those theories. He works with the client’s convictions, rather than forcing his own views. The process becomes one of expansion, clarification, and refinement of the client’s theories rather than the imposition of a supposedly more expert theory of the problem and the solution.
Let me take you across the BRIDGE to a Dream career that you love
BRIDGE is an acronym for these six steps:
B – Becoming clear about your new direction
R – Research
I – Identify and Inventory
D – Developing your list of contacts
G – Get a game plan
E – Execute and Evaluate
Leadership Stage Executive QREM Coaching’s Client Profile
Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy (Dr.T) works only with elite, carefully selected senior executives.
C-level Executives in IT, Higher Education, Biotechnology, Construction, Pharma, FMCG, Retail, Media….
C-level Executives in IT, Higher Education, Biotechnology, Construction, Pharma, FMCG, Retail, Media….
Highly selective practice with 10 to 15 clients active at any given time
Typical client is 38-58 years old who has scaled quickly and is dealing with intense business and relationship pressures
Leadership Stage Executive QREM Coaching Engagement Focus and Structure
In Leadership Stage Executive QREM Coaching elite leaders, the most potent way to work is to bring new light to pressing issues on the executive’s agenda. At this level,” the devil is in the details” and the opportunities for growth appear right on the leader’s calendar.
There must also be a steady rhythm to the engagement. Phone or face-to-face meetings are held twice per month. But at this level, issues arise quickly and so Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy (Dr.T) stands ready to respond to email or phone questions at any time during the engagement. Once the working alliance is consolidated, virtual or phone coaching can be highly effective.
· Initial assessment of client-Leadership Stage Executive QREM coach fit and evaluation of key predictors of engagement success
· Data gathering and goal setting involving client, innovation, project management and key HR/leadership development to ensure climate of support for the work
· 1:1 meetings for 60-90 minutes two times per month
· Unlimited email or phone contact on pressing issues
· Three month review of progress with option to continue or terminate

We live in an age of contagious childishness.Rather than helping each other calm down and step up, we fan each other’s fears and insecurities. In organizations, our poor self-control ignites cycles of drama that dissolve IQ, drain energy, and obstruct progress.
There are people who resist this virus of immaturity. Somehow, they remember to think when the rest of us just react. They are the true leaders among us. They disrupt drama, take heat, and help us move forward.
At the Leadership Stage QREM Coach, we teach various timeless disciplines that will allow you to be a force for progress and well-being at work, at home, and in your community.
Register for our Leadership Stage Executive QREM Coaching programme
Leadership Stage QREM Coach
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