Leadership Stage IT Infrastrucutre Leader Sharing/Talk - Colourful Leadership Power Rangers (Research White Paper)-Face to Face-1.0
India-based executives share their perspectives on how to effectively deal with business culture
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While leaders see potential in the young people entering the workforce today, they're not using or developing this talent early enough.
The current formula to develop future organizational leaders is to identify high potentials for management roles and provide them with leadership development opportunities. Yet senior leaders who attend programs at the Leadership Stage QREM Dream Career Management, an executive Education,Coaching and Management company, often tell trainers they would have benefited from formal leadership development earlier in their lives. While learning more about themselves and their leadership skills is seen as valuable at any age or career stage, they recognize ways they could have used leadership knowledge and enhanced self-awareness during their younger years, and the added value that might have accrued from building a learning orientation early on.
Prompted by this idea, Leadership Stage QREM Dream Career Management's Director/Coach/Mentor/Think Tanks Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy posed a set of questions on leadership and leadership development in 2014 via an survey to business, government, nonprofit and education leaders. Approximately 1000 people from all economic sectors, at all organizational levels and across the age range responding. The survey exploring when young people should be exposed to leadership development, what leadership Executives want in young people entering the workforce and what excites and concerns managers about young people they employ.
Leaders see youth having many of the basic elements of leadership already in place. Further, these young people may have received more formal leadership development in high school and college than their older co-workers and bosses did, and they are ready for more.
Learning leaders who want to develop this group of talented young people rather than suppress their ideas and block their enthusiasm can start by offering two-way, cross-generational leadership mentoring. Organizations have a cadre of young people who are comfortable with technology and the rapid pace of change, have multicultural awareness and adaptability, and are willing to learn and eager to make a difference. Organizations need these skills in their employees and in their leaders.
Youth also can offer lessons to their longer-tenured bosses and co-workers in mentoring. Similarly, experienced leaders can offer youth career mentoring and individual coaching for greater effectiveness. While not everyone is well-suited to be a mentor — good mentoring requires openness to learning — mentor training can help people gain the self-awareness and skills to be effective, regardless of age or experience. Working together, aspiring and established leaders alike will have an opportunity to enhance their abilities to cross boundaries, learn from differences and increase their openness to the views and needs of others.
Organizations can benefit from established leaders helping youth channel their ideas and enthusiasm in ways that promote innovation. A well-executed, cross-generational mentoring program can increase retention of young, high-potential employees and promote enthusiasm for work in organizational elders.
Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy is the director of Leadership Stage QREM Career Management. He can be reached at t@leadershipstage.co.in
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Thiyagarajakumar Ramaswamy BTech,MBA,MBL,PGDHRL,PGDCRL,PGDIPRL,Phd In Mime Theatre,PH.d In QREM Education Policy and Leadership ,SAP, PMP,IJCTC, CPRW, CPCC,CEIP,Certified Master Coach
Director / Coach / Mentor / Think Tanks
Leadership Stage - Kalaanantarupah Group
leadershipstagecoach@gmail.com / leadershipstageprofile@gmail.com / leadershipstagetalk@gmail.com /

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